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Create a thank you page: How to use the super power!

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Finding new customers isn't always easy. However, it is even more difficult to retain these customers in the long term. One lever that is available to you is to create and customize a thank you page. This is the page where your customers land right after their purchase. Because if you want your buyers to stay loyal to you and buy from you more than once, the entire buying process has to be convincing.

So if you want stronger customer loyalty, more upsells, and new followers, then you should skip 0-8-15 confirmations and keep reading! We've brought you best practices and ideas for your custom thank you page. With these suggestions, you can create an after-sales experience that will be remembered.

Creating individual thank you pages – why bother at all?

The thank you page is a small part of the typical buying process and is therefore often underestimated or even forgotten. Because this page receives more attention than almost any other – after all, it shows whether a purchase was really successful and all the details are correct. The importance of this confirmation page becomes even more apparent when you take a closer look at the classic purchase process:

  1. Your customer is looking for information about you, your product, and your company. The more expensive your product, the more intensively a customer is engaged here.
  2. After all the information is ready, the customer makes a purchase decision. He has decided for himself that your online course, your consultation, your e-book will help him in his current situation.
  3. The customer orders and pays. If this process is particularly simple, it will be remembered positively. The anticipation for the product increases and the commitment to your company is particularly high here.
  4. The product is provided via email or download and your customer can access it.
  5. Your customer uses the product.

The thank you page appears immediately after payment and thus forms the transition to delivery. As already described, this page enjoys a lot of attention. At the same time, this is where the anticipation, the hype for the product is greatest. And this is where the super power of this site comes into play: You should use this good feeling, this high level of commitment, which exists directly after the purchase, to achieve your business goals. Show your new customers more of yourself. Try to make them more loyal to you. Maybe you can even do an upsell? You can achieve all of this if you put in a little effort and create a custom success page.

What information should be on a thank you page?

The thank you page is designed to give the customer peace of mind and reassurance that the order was successful. Therefore, a summary of the order should not be missing: details of the buyer, product purchased, price and invoice. In the best case, you still provide information about the delivery. That's the standard.

If you want to create an individual thank you page, you can get very creative: Place videos, advertise your newsletter or social media profiles or offer your customers other suitable products - there are no limits to you and your marketing goals!

Important: You should decide on a goal and not put ten different topic blocks on the success page. Otherwise, you'll confuse your customers and, if in doubt, won't achieve any of your goals.

Once again at an overview: This information belongs on a good thank you page:

  • Order details: buyer details, product purchased, price
  • Information about the invoice or download option
  • Delivery Information
  • Depending on your individual marketing goals: newsletter registration, social media profiles, thank you video, information about events, product presentations, etc.

Inspiration for your first success page

Idea 1: Confirm your purchase decision

As I said, thank you pages convey a sense of security – everything went smoothly! You can further strengthen this feeling and thus strengthen the trust in yourself and your company even more. At the same time, this approach increases customer loyalty and increases anticipation. To do this, use one or more of the following content elements:

  • Information on how to proceed: you will find an e-mail, book your appointment, I'll call you...
  • Congratulations on the product purchase, about the wording: Great, I'm looking forward to seeing you!
  • Thank you video – this is especially useful if you like to work with videos or if you have sold a product in which you work with a lot of media
  • Testimonials: Highlight quality, make you feel good, show advantages

Idea 2: Offer social media channels and other contact options

Of course, you can also use your thank you page to build your reach and stay in touch with customers in the future. After all, once someone has dealt with your product, they may want to stay in touch with you for longer. Blog, Instagram, newsletter – here's the place for it! It is important that you show the added value. This will contribute to your reach, your newsletter distribution list and your awareness. To do this, include one of these content elements to create a good experience around your thank you page:

  • Newsletter registration (don't forget the privacy notice)
  • Linking to your social media profiles
  • Blog Linking
  • Request to share on your own profile

Idea 3: Announce further offers

Have you planned a live launch of your products? Are you about to start your pre-sale? Then use your Success Page to point it out and build interest! This way, you can also build your sales pipeline at the same time. What should you bring to your thank you pages? The information about your planned event and the possibility to be put on a waiting list!

Idea 4: Signal services and customer proximity

Your brand stands for customer proximity, and you want to show that throughout the customer journey? Then use the Success Page and show that you are there for your customers! You can easily do this by providing a contact option. But there are even more ways to increase trust and thus customer loyalty in the long term:

  • FAQ / Frequently asked questions about the product or the process
  • Contact details, e-mail address, space for feedback and questions
  • Invitation to an existing community

Idea 5: Introduce new products

Anyone who says that your thank you page can't be used for further sales is mistaken. It just depends on what products you're showing here. Of course, it doesn't leave you with a good feeling if you include a comparable product at a lower price on the success page after a purchase. But if you have built up a product staircase, there is nothing wrong with presenting your premium product. Even if you're working with freebies, it makes sense to show what you're really capable of on the created thank you page. This allows you to create upsells and build interest in perhaps not-so-well-known products from your portfolio. Alternatively, you can work with order bumps or sales funnels in advance.

  • Premium Product
  • Matching product recommendations

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