Welcome to "Cut by Cut - The online course to your first colorful lino print".
In 9 modules and over 50 videos, I show you step by step my entire workflow and we practice all processes using two given designs. The A6 sized training design is used to go through all the processes on a small scale and practice them. Afterwards you will be able to print the A4 sized and three color salad bowl design. Or choose a super cute bunny motif, that we work on together! Now new comes a module about printing on fabric, if you ever wanted to print your own tote bags or t-shirts.

You will learn everything needed to make your own colorful lino prints using my multiblock method. Let's start this journey together 🥳 I can’t wait for you!

Feel free to check out the module overview - all these videos are in Cut by Cut. 👇

This course is in English! If you are from Germany, go this way for the German course "Schnitt für Schnitt".

Course plan

Welcome to Cut by Cut
Exchange, feedback, questions
Intro and about me
Influences and style
Course objectives and structure
Module 01 - Materials
Materials and products for printing
Module 02 - Design
Collecting Inspiration on Pinterest
Analog drawing exercise
Digital drawing exercise with iPad Pro
Transferring the sketch to linoleum
Module 03 - Carving
Carving tools starter kit
Correct posture
Carving exercise
Sharpening the tools
Carving the mini print
Repairing carving mistakes
Module 04 - Color
Color theory
Differences of linoleum inks
Mixing Colors
Mixing Color: Pink
Mixing Color: Yellow
Mixing Color: Green
Registration - Preparing the printing template
Module 05 - Printing
Preparations for printing
Laying out the linoleum block
The correct application of ink
Printing with a press
Printing the first layer
Creating color swatches and drying process
Printing the second layer
Adjusting the printing template
Troubleshooting: Fixing printing problems
Module 06 - Cleaning
Cleaning setup and general rules
Cleaning the printing utensils
Storing ink and prints
Storing the blocks and utensils
Module 07 - The big Salad Bowl Print
First layer salad bowl
Carving the first layer
Creating the registration template
Printing the first layer
Second layer salad bowl
Carving the second layer
Printing the second layer
Third layer salad bowl
Carving the third layer
Printing the third layer
Your next steps
Module 08 - Let's print a bunny 🐰
Intro + Template
Drawing the rabbit
Carving the rabbit
Mixing the colors for the rabbit
Printing the rabbit
The rabbit is finished!
Module 09 - Printing on fabric
Intro + Overview
Fabric Ink
Other materials
Carving rubber blocks
Printing on fabric
Taking care
Printing Xmas Cards
Template and Instructions