Want to live more in tune with the four phases of your cycle?
Save time, confusion & effort on googling and finally have clarity with this lovingly crafted, printable Cycle Calendar:
your Cyclical Living Cheat Sheet for the Four Phases of the Menstrual Cycle ➡️ feel grounded and supported during your cycle and make cyclical living easy and accessible for yourself.

For every cycle phase, it shows

🌀 inner season, cycle phase, moon phase and archetypes
💫 energy & vibe
🔥 lifestyle, movement & self-care
🥑 nutrition: best foods & herbs

Everything at one glance. Print it out in DINA4 or DINA3 Format, pin up near your desk or hang it up on your fridge - the easiest way to prioritize yourself and your cycle during the month.
Overview about the files this product contains