Course content

The course consists of two units of three hours each:

Homeopathic Case Taking in Children

a) Introducing the concept of the ‘Three Steps in Children’s Case Taking’, especially activating their subconscious (fears, dreams, interests, hobbies, drawing/doodling).

b) Keeping a diary (during and after treatment) for individual assistance and support.

c) Case examples of different age groups, different kingdoms and different tools to illustrate the method.

Specific Methods for Special Cases (non-verbal, autistic/dyslexic/Asperger’s, cerebral palsy, ADHD, etc).

a) Remedies for specific situations and sample case studies.

b) The importance of taking the mother’s pregnancy history.

c) Handling of acute cases in children.

Process of transformation during treatment

a) Activating the right hemisphere of the brain (artistic approaches) (storytelling, drawing/scribbling, etc.).

b) Taking children from the symptom level to the source language of their remedy.

c) Case taking as a healing process through awareness of personal disease patterns.