The Fundamental Fitness Program was designed to build up a strong & healthy foundation for any physical workout. It's suitable for all fitness levels but especially helpful for beginners or returnees who want to make the first step into a fitter and healthier life.

Inspired by yoga and pilates you will find a mix of strength & conditioning workouts, mobility sessions and stretch & recovery classes. The daily workouts are not longer than 15 minutes so that you can integrate them perfectly into your everyday routine. This will help you to finally build up a consistent practice aiming on healthier habits & a fitter body.

After this program you will:
- be more flexible
- be stronger
- be more aware of your deep & joint connective muscles
- be more conscious about posture & movement
- be motivated to level up your personal practice

This program contains:
- 2-Weeks-Workout-Program
- 14 Videos / Sequences
- Yoga & Pilates inspired Workouts and Functional Flows

Course plan

Welcome to a new beginning!
Week 1
Day 1: Core Workout
Day 2: Functional Flow
Day 3: Leg Workout
Day 4: Hips & Hamstrings
Day 5: Balance Flow
Day 6: Spinal Mobility
Day 7: Deep Stretches
Week 2
Day 8: Back Workout
Day 9: Backbend Flow
Day 10: Arm & Shoulder Workout
Day 11: Stability Flow
Day 12: Neck Stretches
Day 13: Fullbody Flow
Day 14: Restorative Yoga