What you will learn

In this extensive masterclass, I will walk you through the process of how I create an illustration. Along the way I will explain all the design and illustration principles you need to create captivating artwork for children.

Our journey will begin by delving into the art of ideation and dissecting the structure of a compelling illustration. We’ll explore the significance of sketchbooks, and how you can train your creative muscles. I’ll guide you through each step of my personal illustration process, from scribbling tiny thumbnails to finding the perfect composition, sketching, color selection, and finally, painting the final image. Along the way, we’ll unravel the secrets of design principles like image composition, shape language, the importance of color theory, and the artistry of character design.

The course includes 10 lessons and over three hours of video material, to watch on your own terms. By the end of the journey, you’ll not only hold a finished illustration, but also possess the right tools to create captivating children’s illustrations and create a portfolio that will spark attention.

About me

Over the past years I had the privilege of illustrating over 20 books for children, including board books, picture books and middle grade novel covers. Three of my children's books made the New York Times Bestseller list. My clients include
Penguin Random House, Harper Collins, Simon &Schuster, Candlewick Press, Macmillan, Hachette, Amazon, and more. Illustrating for children is truly my dream job and I love how every project brings new challenges.

Once you have purchased this course you will have lifelong access.

Course plan

Ingredients for a Good Illustration
The Art of Composition
Character Design
The Drawing
Color Theory
Final Painting