In this course bundle, you'll learn in 57 video lessons how you can reduce your app's bugs to a minimum, build better apps in less time and become more confident about making changes to your code. You will achieve all that by becoming a master in writing automated tests for your apps.
This is NOT another "test adding two numbers" kind of course. You will learn to write test cases for a real production app with over 50,000 lines of Kotlin code. Each section finishes off with a homework task for you to practice the learnt concepts on your own.
This is what the offer contains:
Course 1: Mastering Automated Testing of Industry-Level Android Apps
Course 2: Professional UI Testing of Android Apps
8-page PDF: The Android Testing Cheat Sheet
In short, this is what you will learn about in both parts:
Basic & Advanced Testing Theory
Unit Testing with JUnit5
Testing Asynchronous Code (Coroutines & Flows)
Testing Time
Integration Testing
UI Testing
Measuring Test Coverage (Unit & Instrumentation Tests)
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