Natural Ground Movements begin at the very foundation of human movement development, where everything humans need for survival in a challenging natural environment is developed and manifested. Over billions of years, form followed function, resulting in an incredibly performance-oriented and adaptable organism.

This program is designed as a fast track from the ground to the basic techniques of the main seven natural movement skills:
- Crawling
- Balancing
- Walking
- Lifting/Carrying/Throwing/Catching
- Jumping
- Climbing
- Vaulting

Each skill in this program serves as a fountain of youth, health, and movement competence, benefiting everyone from beginners to athletes. Basic human movement is often lost in sedentary individuals and even in specialized high performers.

The combination of these skills provides a comprehensive pyramid of human movement development, from the ground up to the basics of jumping over obstacles. Each skill in this sequence builds upon the previous one, forming an unshakable foundation that paves the way for higher skills.

Course plan

Intro Crawling
Crawling - Session 1
Crawling - Session 2
Crawling- Session 3
Intro Balancing
Balancing - Session 1
Balancing - Session 2
Balancing - Session 3
Intro Walking
Walking - Session 1
Walking - Session 2
Walking - Session 3
Intro Lifting/Carrying/Trowing
Lifting/Carrying/Throwing - Session 1
Lifting/Carrying/Throwing - Session 2
Lifting/Carrying/Throwing - Session 3
Intro Jumping
Jumping - Session 1
Jumping - Session 2
Jumping - Session 3
Intro Climbing
Climbing - Session 1
Climbing - Session 2
Climbing - Session 3
Intro Vaulting
Vaulting - Session 1
Vaulting - Session 2
Vaulting - Session 3