This online training is especially designed for you if you want to buy a property now or at a later date, as a home, investment or capital investment and have not yet dealt with the subject at all or very little.
It is exactly the right training for you if you want to listen to an objective point of view , before you want to listen to the views of brokers, banks, lawyers, vendors, insurance and financial advisors.
Maybe you know someone who has lost money in a real estate purchase or relied on the wrong person and you want to avoid that for yourself in any case.
Imagine you are buying a property and you feel safe and secure and you know that this decision is absolutely the right one.
You look back on the journey, you visited the first property and negotiated with real estate agents, banks and sellers and you realize that all conversations were at eye level and nobody could fool you .
This is how you become a Deal Hero!
- You don't have to have your own experience to learn from experience
- How can your project be integrated into your current everyday life ?
- What types of real estate are available and which ones are suitable for your project?
- How can you recognize the advantages & disadvantages of the markets?
- What are the possibilities in your network ?
- Why you will be happy to make mistakes
- How to earn money with your real estate
- What role does the financing plays?
- How can you build your own brand and how it will help you?
- How to never miss an opportunity to close a good deal again?
- How to calculate risks ?
- How you can estimate real estate quickly and secure ?
This online course supports you in acquiring objective knowledge at your own pace, independent of time and place . You can listen to or watch the individual sections several times and require absolutely no previous knowledge.
The individual and personal support by phone completes the course.
Most of our investors feel motivated and much more confident after this online training. They are ready and curious and can hardly wait.
So, you are finally going to start!
- Research real estate offers
- Exchanges with people who share the same interests
You just extended your comfort zone .
The difference that this course offers you is that you will be able to have conversations with the professionals at the same level and make sure that you get all the information that you NEED and not the information that your interlocutor is eager to give you. You decide the quality of the conversation.
The more knowledge you acquire, the more you control the process .
Is now the right time? Successful investors say, no matter what the market looks like, you can always find good deals. It doesn't hurt to lay the foundation to be prepared for the right opportunity.
How many times have you heard the saying, I listen to it or I read it as soon as it becomes interesting for me? This is the first big mistake you can make. This temporal disadvantage cannot be made up for.
Of course, online courses are not as individual as personal support. We feel the same way as you do, that the hard-earned money is not wasted. The combination of online training , which creates a solid foundation, and personal and individual support in addition, offers you the best start and the best value for your money. You have full control over your time and costs and decide when and how long we can accompany you.