Who is LegacyBuilders Global?

LegacyBuilders Global was founded to give everyone the opportunity to invest in real estate, businesses, agriculture etc. worldwide, feel safe and make a profit. All with a strong partner by your side! Long-term, meaningful and deep partnerships with owners, brokers, investors, buyers, and developers ensure that everyone gets paid fairly. Everybody Get's PAID!

What you get from working with us?
  • Our owners optimize the value of their investment portfolio or sell it more efficiently and quickly.
  • Our investors get access to profitable off-market deals.
  • Our brokers benefit from world-class training to put their business on a stable footing and make them successful beyond measure.
  • Our developers save time and money through our global system. They sell faster and more efficiently than their competitors.
What is important to us?
  • The priority is to build long-term, meaningful, global partnerships.
  • We are curious to explore new markets, new property types and new opportunities in terms of financing for maximum flexibility, security and profit in real estate investments. 
  • We connect the right personalities to achieve the greatest possible value for each individual and grow to the next level.
  • We treat our environment with respect, loyalty, integrity and expect the same treatment in return.
Let's create something great together!


  • All products
  • eBooks
  • Memberships
  • Online Trainings



Reto Winkler
Working with Jennifer and Jan-Marc in big investment deals as well as with building up their franchise business is always straight forward. Their focus is always on the outcome of the deals with wins for both parties. They are a hardworking, trustworthy and honest couple that knows their business well, therefor they
Franziska Ambacher
Mit Jennifer zusammen zu arbeiten, bedeutete für mich eine echte persönliche Erleichterung sowie menschliche wie fachliche Bereicherung. Sie ist absolut verlässlich, effizient und professionell. Dank Ihres breitgefächerten Spezialistenwissen zu Immobilien, Kapitalanlagen und Innovationsmanagement, haben sich neue
Ulrike Glänzer
I know Jennifer & Jan-Marc for quite a while now. First I experienced both of them as focused and persistant people. By working with LegacyBuilders Global I recognized additionally a 100% commitment with the goals and their work which led to great business results. I would every time work again with LegacyBuilders
Philip Jepson
Jan-Marc is a true entrepreneur and it is a privilege to work with him. We are working as Partners in buying business across Europe and he has great experience and expertise to contribute to our project.

Our Core Values

Being true to your word and doing things you promise is a foundation for us at LegacyBuilders Global. Whether we are talking about our customers or our partners. We see Accountabilty as essential and expect commitments to be kept by both parties. We will always be true to our word and do everything in our power to deliver on our commitments. However, we expect the same in return.

Loyalty is especially tested when the other party is not in the room. It is important to us that our customers and partners are as trustworthy behind us as we are behind them. We stand up for each other and support each other, which makes most of our customers and partners see us as a family and not just a company.

Curiosity is a way of life and not only important in investment or business. Being open to new things and questioning things is a driver that makes a big difference. We want to surround ourselves with exactly these people and together understand the world better through our curiosity and make the best possible decisions based on it.

Everyone is unique and brings their own individual talents and characteristics. This uniqueness is what makes a great team. In investment, it is important to have a good team. To do this, each individual must be authentic and use their strengths to the best of their ability. With us you can just be you!

Performance Orientation
To reach your goals you have to go the extra mile. You can't expect to reach your goals without this. We are happy to support you on your way, but you have to go it yourself. It is important to be driven by your achievement orientation. We do it every day and like to surround ourselves with like-minded people.