How to make vegan cheese

Have you ever wanted to make vegan cheese? That's exactly the motivation that helped Anderson to create Cashewbert.

In this online cooking course, Anderson shows you how you can easily make vegan cheese based on cashews and almonds yourself. Anderson shows you step by step in the recipes and videos how to prepare the vegan cheese alternatives and what you need for them. In addition to the recipes, you will find a lot of tips & tricks for production as well as recommendations for storage and maturation.

In this online cooking course, Anderson shows you how you can easily make vegan cheese based on cashews and almonds yourself. In addition to the recipes for vegan Camenbert and blue cheese, Anderson also shows you alternatives to cream cheese, ricotta or delicious yogurt and quark!

Have fun trying it out and we look forward to seeing you!

Course plan

Welcome & Introduction
Theorie and basics of how to make vegan cheese
vegan cheese recipes
Download all recipes