How to Turn Your Nutrition into a Performance Booster and Achieve Your Personal Best in the Next Race

The step-by-step guide for ambitious obstacle course racers and hobby runners seeking more power on race day and maximum performance. Flexible with Know-How and a clear plan!

Does this sound familiar?
  • The first race goes great, but by the third race, you’re out of energy.
  • You start with full power, but an hour into the race, your energy is drained and your legs feel like lead.
  • You can still run in the second and third races, but you lack the strength for the obstacles, and the carries feel twice as heavy.
  • Instead of feeling energized and motivated for the last race on Sunday, you’re completely exhausted and just want to stay in bed.
After the Race Nutrition Guide...
  • you’ll know how to fill your energy stores optimally with the right carb-loading strategy, starting with a full tank and 100% energy.
  • you’ll avoid performance drops due to dehydration by properly hydrating with fluids and electrolytes before, during, and after the race.
  • you’ll understand your individual fueling strategy to keep your energy levels high during the race, allowing you to power through the last kilometers.
  • you’ll know how to use your nutrition between and after races for quick and effective recovery, so you’re full of energy for the final race.
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