GFP SLINKY Chair Edition
All levels - Unlimited access

You get the full Chair experience with this training package:

8 Sexy Chair Dance Choreographies shown step by step
2 Warm Ups with the chair
1 Stretching session for front splits including a chair

BONUS 2 surprise tutorials extra
4 additional tutorials from YouTube

Train whenever, wherever and how often you want.

Moreover we have some additional tips & tricks videos integrated.
(What kind of chair, Security advise)

Those amazing trainers will train with you:

Anne Eyer
Christina Dy
Jaclyn Choo
Lea Roth
Mona Arbinger
Rika Torres

Stephanie Tallant
Vlada Zhizhchenko

We invite you to check out our social media platforms for more visual food and chair fun.

Thank you for your time and decision to train with us!

Course plan

Warm Ups / Stretching
Chair Choreographies
More training with us !
GFP CHAIR Trickster Collection