------------------------- English Version -------------------------

Welcome to Frankfurt Buddhist Academy. Here you can apply for the course you choose. Please fill out all required information. After successful registration you will receive a confirmation email from us.

This course deals with the system of geomantic art ( Vāstuvidyā ) to manage environmental energy to improve mental and physical health and facilitate meditation practices and spiritual growth, which are developed perspectives of astronomy and astrology, sacred geography.

Professor: Zhang Bu Sheng

Cost: 480 € | 3500 元

The classes will take place every Saturday from 14. January to 17. July 2023.
We are looking forward to see you at Frankfurt Buddhist Academy!

------------------------- Chinese Version -------------------------


课程的名称:佛教择地法 -- 中文

授课: 张卜生教授

费用:480欧元 | 3500


Course plan