Financial education could be an exciting subject in general education - it's rarely taught and is thus reserved for families. But what should be the guidelines regarding wealth accumulation for children and young people? The recommendations of the financial experts of the house banks for the traditional stock market should be weighed with caution. Here, exciting questions about the area of additional investments in cryptocurrencies are explained in expert interviews.

This online course covers many important topics on financial literacy for children and youth through their families, including:

  1. Is the traditional stock market still worth it?
  2. What can the shift to digital national currencies mean?
  3. Diversification as the overriding principle
  4. When are cryptocurrencies an alternative?
  5. Are there any safe investments in cryptocurrencies at all?

Perhaps the most exciting thing is: this course is created according to the interests of the participating families :-)
Enter the voucher code digifampreneur on the payment page and you will still receive it free of charge in the coming weeks.

Course plan

What can the switch to digital national currencies mean?
Diversification as the overriding principle
When are cryptocurrencies an alternative?
Are there any safe investments in cryptocurrencies at all?
Exchange about taxation