How every coach and trainer can easily provide proof of quality and thus automatically increase sales. Without prior reference begging!

„Coaching unlocks people's potential to maximize their performance.
It helps them to learn for themselves, rather than teaching them.“

John Whitmore

Dear fellow coach,

anyone who has witnessed their coachee's eyes light up at the aha-moment knows how valuable professional coaching can be. So it is only logical that coaches want to exploit their positive coaching results for advertising and acquisition. However, almost all coaches use stereotypical testimonials to build their reputation. If you visit the homepages of all competing coaches, you will find 99% identical references.

And what about the validation of the coaching successs?
In this train-the-coach package, you will receive all the necessary tools and information to be able to specifically measure and articulate the value of your coaching or training. Calculate solid numbers, data, and facts for your proof of competence! For everyone - especially for your potential new clients - understandable, assessable, and plausibly comprehensible. On this basis, your future clients can make an informed buying decision.

How coaches and trainers create a valuable and comprehensible proof of competence for new client acquisition without having to beg for references!

The coachee should become the best version of himself or herself.
The foundation for this is laid in the very first coaching session. How? Through a specific and committed approach to the entire coaching process! This is achieved through consistent goal setting and goal tracking:

  • Only this way the coachee gets the chance for personal growth.
  • Only this way the coaching success can be measured.
  • Only this way the coach will be able to credibly prove the effectiveness of his coaching and his competence.
After that, you no longer need to ask your client for a reference. Instead, you have the coaching result in numbers, data, and facts right at your fingertips anyway. You can now anonymize, cluster, and publish the result.

For all the emotions in coaching: at the end of the day, it's numbers, data, and facts that prove success. And this attracts new customers.

With this package you get:
  • Specific instructions
  • Sample texts for free usage (copy & paste)
  • Suggestions on how to make (imprecise) coaching goals measurable
  • Basics for scalability of your coaching
  • Excel sheets with formulas to determine your coaching success
  • Direct download
  • Immediately implementable
By the way, being with the clients also becomes more fulfilling for the coach or trainer. The fear of success decreases and the joy of results increases.

For every coach and trainer: Automatic increase in sales through comprehensible proof of quality!

Dear fellow coach,

You receive the Train-the-Coach-Package nearly at cost price. Book now and put the contents into practice right away. Not only will you increase your sales, but you will also help our entire industry to enhance its reputation and respectability.

Good luck and best regards
Yours, Carsten Seiffert