LinkedIn Profile Optimization Class

Transform your LinkedIn profile into a magnet for opportunities. A finely-tuned profile doesn't just attract attention – it invites recruiters to reach out to you.

Our comprehensive LinkedIn Profile Optimization service includes:

  • Guidelines and Workbook: Unlock the secrets to optimizing your LinkedIn profile for the German job market. Our step-by-step guidance and workbook will help you craft a profile that stands out.

  • Excellent Coaching and Insider Insights: Elevate your profile to new heights with this online course. Learn insider tips to enhance your personal brand and gain increased visibility from both recruiters and fellow LinkedIn users.

  • Flawless Final Touches: We'll ensure your LinkedIn profile shines. Our experts will give you meticulous final corrections tipps, resulting in a perfectly optimized profile that's designed to attract up to 5 times more job requests and interview invitations from recruiters.

Don't wait for opportunities – make them come to you. Optimize your LinkedIn profile today and open doors to a world of professional possibilities.

Ready to Get Started?

Course plan

Module 1: Introduction to the course and job search in Germany
Module 2: Profile creation on Xing and LinkedIn
Module 3: Cover yes or no? How to leave your competitors behind.
Module 4: Personalized Coaching Call - your new polished profile