The Big 5 Tenses

 The Big Five Tenses. (Access the PadletClick on the word Padlet

Did you know that around 90% of all conversational English uses just 5 tenses?

This Padlet is inspired by a friend of mine, an English teacher, Birgit Kasimirski, and the title of her new book “Lean on English Grammar. BIG 5”.

I put the individual big 5 tenses Padlets (4 of them - Present, Past, Future & Present Perfect) together as a grammar bundle into this one Padlet to make it easier for you. 

Birgit also kindly offered some of her quizzes to add to the collection – variety is the spice of life! Thanx Birgit.

I, too, will add more exercises, quizzes and content to the individual Padlets as well as this one so come back and check what is new!