
Welcome to the Guided Learning English Programme .

Thank you so much for joining the Business English Academy Membership (BEAM). As you read there are two main programmes, which make up the BEAM.  This one, the Guided Learning English (GLE) for general English and the other, the Guided Learning Business English (GLBE). I look forward to providing you with guided-learning content, which is challenging, engaging and entertaining. 

I'm sure you are excited to jump right in and explore but please read through the following topics: 

  1. Administration: 5-day trial, Drip in, questions, comments & cancelations:
  2. Learning with video.
  3. Learning with Padlets.
Administration: 5-day trial, Drip in, questions, comments & cancelations 

5-day trial. This trial gives you the chance to try out the lessons for free. Don't be surprised when you get the first-month payment confirmation email from Elopage after the 5 days expired. If you decide, the membership is not for you, no hard feelings, just cancel your subscription during the 5-day time frame and you will not be charged. See cancelations below. 

'Drip in' functions. Every 2 weeks, another 8 lessons across the two programmes are made available through the 'Drip in' function. This should give you enough time to complete everything (without stressing you out) and the choice of what you wanna do. By pressing the 'DONE' button at the end of a lesson, you can keep track of where you are.

Questions & Comments. While I'm doing my best to make your learning journey as user-friendly and enjoyable as possible, I'm only human (Yes, you read that right, I'm the only person working on this) so please be kind and friendly when leaving questions and comments. I leave the comments section open so that you can ask questions, give feedback positive & negative and give the membership a community feeling. Otherwise, write to dave.preston@prestonconsulting.de. Thank you.

Cancelations. You can cancel anytime by ... 

Abo aus dem Konto heraus kündigen

  • >>Loggen Sie sich ein.
  • Gehen Sie im Hauptmenü ihres Käufer:innen-Accounts auf "Zahlungen" und "Bestellungen". Sind Sie auf der Shopseite des Anbieters und haben in der Kopfzeile auf "Abo kündigen" geklickt, werden Sie ebenfalls in die Bestellansicht weitergeleitet.
  • Klicken Sie bei der betreffenden Bestellung rechts auf das Kreuz-Icon ganz rechts und bestätigen Sie im nachfolgenden Fenster die Kündigung.

Learning with videos.

Understanding YouTube videos can be difficult. Here are 3 tricks: 
1. Click on the 'CC' button to read the subtitles. 
2. Click on the cog or 'settings' button so that you can reduce the playback speed - I recommend 0.75.

3. Find the video transcript button (see screenshot) or in the video information section.

Hope those tricks help!

Learning with Padlets.
By clicking the link on the word Padlet, the Padlet will open in a new tab. Work through the posts from left to right, reading posts, opening pictures/PDFs, clicking on links etc - it's all self-explanatory! If you would like to download a PDF, simply left-mouse click on the 3 dots to open the menu and then click on 'Download Attachment'. 

Have a great start to the programme, I hope you will stay after the 5 days cos there's a lot more to come and please spread the word.

