Improve your understanding, broaden your vocabulary, and BUSINESS English in just 10 weeks.

It’s engaging, entertaining and effective!

Watching YouTube videos is the most convenient, practical, and entertaining way of learning BUT also the most difficult. Do you understand the speakers – do they speak too fast, unclearly, or use words and slang that you don’t understand?

That’s why, with Guided Watching, we provide you with all the tools you need to watch & understand “real” content. Practice, practice, practice, and you’ll be amazed how quickly it is easier to understand.

Dragons' Den.

And what better content to learn with than an authentic British TV business show, “Dragons' Den” (like Höhle der Löwen in Germany)? The hit TV show, where entrepreneurs present their business ideas to a panel of wealthy investors, has captivated audiences worldwide.

Welcome to this collection of 10 Guided Watching videos with:
1. A vocabulary list (English/German).
2. Understanding exercises to focus your listening.
3. A written transcript of the video.

Just do One Guided Watching Video a week.

39.99 €

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Dating app gets Dragons hot under the collar
Dragons fight over jaw-dropping multi-million business
Three Dragons Compete For 25% Of Alcohol Biscuits Business
One of the Best Negotiations in Den History!
Peter can't let this single mother's achievements go unnoticed
The environmentally friendly festival solution.
In the millions, what's your turnover been?
Epic bidding war breaks out in the Den
Lid Creators sell 2.4 million units by simply adding "a pen hole"
Peter Jones Pledges To Fight For Mr. Cadbury's Heritage